Topic Pages ♥

A Little Bit 'bout Me

I'm a wife, mom, grandmother, nurse, sharer of all the good news in the Bible, and defender of those who cannot defend themselves. 

In 2011 a friend from a support group for those who live with chronic illness (Hi Jill) started to send me her hand-made cards. They were incredible! I thought, do people really do this? I was hooked :) Jill told me to visit Gina K. Designs website and I would be able to learn all I need to know there. Boy, was she ever right. I love GKD and StampTV. Of course, I've visited many other sites and YouTube to learn different techniques and product uses, but GKD is my all-time favorite!!! No one makes cardstock like Gina.

Enjoy your journey and very best wishes to you ♥


  1. Rosy ,
    All your cards and creations are just beautiful just like you !

  2. Hi Rosy, I love your cards and the little stories you tell about them. I look forward to seeing your next cards.

  3. I'm never disappointed when I see your name come up as having posted a new card. I am in awe of what you create despite your limitations. You and your cards are an inspiration to many. Looking forward to seeing all your future projects!!!!!!!

  4. Rosy,
    Love your story about your history into making greeting cards. I am not dissimilar from your story, but I have to add that my sister Carol was a Stampin'Up distributor and she was really good at it. I would buy her wares and try to make cards that were OK, but never really felt the creativity running through my veins as my sister did. She was a natural! It wasn't until I found StampTV and GinaK Designs and a fabulous group of talented card makers who shared their "how too's" and inspiration, that I finally got it, so to speak. And it was through StampTV that I met you Rosy. Plus we share a love for Central Oregon's High Desert and Hawaii!!! Thank you for another awesome story!!!


Your kind comments really encourage me a TON! Mahalo nui loa!