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Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Cat Angels

Gatefold Card ~

When our dear friend in the stamping world passed away last month, her cat went through some traumatic times. It seems she may have a good home, we are hoping. Two elderly sisters have taken her in, and I made a thank you gatefold card for them. If anyone feels inclined to help us fund the care of Lynn's cat, please PM me and I will forward the mailing address to you. One of the sisters has suffered a stroke - they are doing the best they can. Their address is also at StampTV, Lynn's online stamping family. Thank you so much for looking, and for caring!

(Click on photos for larger and better viewing)


  1. Beautiful card, Rosy. I know the sisters will love it!

  2. Oh my gosh Rosy, this just makes me smile. Do you have a cat??? If you do you will know what I mean. What a lovely gesture toward the sisters. I'm sure Lynn's cat is in good hands. {{{hugs}}}


Your kind comments really encourage me a TON! Mahalo nui loa!